Yes, you can install a mini split on an interior wall, and in our experience, this is a popular and practical installation choice. We think that an interior wall installation is perfect for homes or offices where exterior walls might be difficult to work with, or when you want to optimize the space for aesthetics or functionality. With the right planning, interior wall installations can provide just as efficient cooling and heating as exterior wall setups.
More On “Can You Install a Mini Split on an Interior Wall?”
Installing a mini-split on an interior wall is a versatile option. From our experience, it’s often chosen for rooms where external wall access is limited or not ideal for a mini-split system. We’ve installed mini-splits on interior walls in many homes, especially when the exterior wall has already been used for other utilities like windows, doors, or outlets.
The key to a successful installation is ensuring that there’s enough clearance for airflow and that the lines are properly routed to the outdoor unit. While the indoor unit can be placed on almost any interior wall, the refrigerant lines will need to be routed carefully, either along the ceiling or floor, to avoid obstruction. In our opinion, an interior wall installation is an excellent solution that provides flexibility without sacrificing performance, as long as proper attention is given to the line set routing and installation specifics.
In terms of performance, an interior wall-mounted mini-split works just as well as one installed on an exterior wall, as long as the system is sized appropriately for the space and the airflow isn’t hindered. With the right professional installation, this option can help optimize comfort in any room of your home or office.